Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

IP pertama, wohoooo~

hii guyss how your IP in the first semester?? *telat bgt nanyanya* euumm. I'll tell you my IP, before I know that, I felt so 'dag dig dug' haha.. and finally I already have the IP that was 3.44 hehe.. In my heart I say Alhamdulillah to God. and then make me happy too, My quality accounting value was A! horaaay <3.. It was beyond my expectation wohooo :D

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Graduation Day! in high school


Whoooppss, I almost forgot to tell you about my Grad Day ♥♥

Girls, were so cute wearing kebayas.
This is the time when we finally could let go our Senior High School Student title.
After 3 years of struggling and 1 big national examination.

6 senior high school proudly graduated 100% of its student

Our years may fly away.. But our memories are here to stay.. :)

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Terkadang hati itu berbeda dengan logikaaa -__-


Thanks God everyday for my family, my health, my trials, my success, my tears, my laughter…everything which makes me & helps me grow ☺☺